Source: geneticFinance.profile [edit]


WebL exception: [. "msg" = "could not define field "currentModule"", "type" = "FieldDefinitionError", "line" = 6 .]
at line 6
while evaluating wubvars["currentModule"] := profile["name"]

Variables in context:
   13  item: nil=nil
   12  func: nil=nil
   11  mf: nil=nil
   10  m: nil=nil
   9  cmds: nil=nil
   8  html: nil=nil
   7  actionlinks: nil=nil
   6  WubEval: fun=
   5  WubCall: fun=
   4  wubvars: nil=nil
   3  wubinfo: object=[. "wubversion" = "0.6m", "weblversion" = "webl-3.1.4b", "googlemapkey" = "ABQIAAAAjxuoc0eLTk1WT-9jKMP_9xRXRHt4M-rxIPBKqsbHmJu00...
   2  EXTRAARGS: nil=nil
   1  OPTIONALARGS: list=[]
   0  profile: object=[. "name" = "geneticFinance", "desc" = "A group to gather people and functionality related to the Genetic Finance project.
", "p...

Stack trace:
    --stack bottom--