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  <title>Xperience Adventure Club</title>
  <meta name="description" content="XperienceAdventureClub is a members-only social club focused on inspiring teens with the latest cool science adventures happening today: wearable robots, artificial intelligence, flying submarines, etc." />
  <meta name="keywords" content="teens, adventure, club, science, technology" />
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          <h1><a href="">X<span class="logo_colour">perience</span> A<span class="logo_colour">dventure</span> C<span class="logo_colour">lub</span></a></h1>
          <h2>Xtraordinary Adventures for Young Pioneers</h2>
        <ul class="sf-menu" id="nav">
          <li><a href="">Home</a></li>
          <li><a href="">Adventures</a></li>
          <li><a href="">Pioneers</a></li>
          <li><a href="">Calendar</a></li>
          <li class="selected"><a href="">About XAC</a></li>
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        <h1>About the XAC</h1>
        <h2 id="about">The Xperience Adventure Club</h2>
		The Xperience Adventure Club (XAC) is a members-only club that offers kids ages 8-16 the chance to go on exclusive adventures 
        unlike any in the world. Currently based in the San Francisco Bay Area, our members receive hands-on interaction with 
          the latest (and coolest) <a href="">technologies</a>, 
          and are introduced to world-class inventors who are redefining their fields 
        in scientific and creative areas.  We believe that the best way to inspire a young scientist is to let them look into the eyes
          of passionate <a href="">Pioneers</a> who have re-imagined the world to be
          different and better, and then pursued their visions relentlessly, often across decades.        

        <h2 id="membership">Membership</h2>
          Membership in the Xperience Adventure Club is free!  However, to become a member, you must propose a new adventure that can be offered to 
          members.  If our current membership approves of your adventure, you're in!  Please <a href="#contact">contact us</a> below with your 
          proposed adventure.

        <h2 id="contact">Contact Us</h2>
          Have an idea for an Adventure or want to introduce us to a Pioneer?  Interested in <a href="#membership">applying for membership</a>?  
          Contact us at <em>contact</em> @

      <p>Copyright &copy; Xperience Adventure Club <br> <a href="">design from</a></p>
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