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  <title>Xperience Adventure Club</title>
  <meta name="description" content="XperienceAdventureClub is a members-only social club focused on inspiring teens with the latest cool science adventures happening today: wearable robots, artificial intelligence, flying submarines, etc." />
  <meta name="keywords" content="teens, adventure, club, science, technology" />
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          <h1><a href="">X<span class="logo_colour">perience</span> A<span class="logo_colour">dventure</span> C<span class="logo_colour">lub</span></a></h1>
          <h2>Xtraordinary Adventures for Young Pioneers</h2>
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          <li><a href="">Home</a></li>
          <li><a href="">Adventures</a></li>
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          <li class="selected"><a href="">Calendar</a></li>
          <li><a href="">About XAC</a></li>
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        <h1>Upcoming Adventures</h1>
        <h2 id="drones">Two Bit Circus</h2>
          Information coming soon...

        <h1>Past Adventures</h1>

        <h2 id="bond">July 29, 2017: Jr. James Bond Adventure</h2>
        <img height=150 src="" alt="Ryan Pamplin" />
        <img height=150 src="" alt="Jay Alexander" />
        <img height=150 src="" alt="Adam Cheyer" />
          <font color="white">Pioneers:</font> <a href="">Ryan Pamplin</a>,
          <a href="">Jay Alexander</a>, 
          <a href="">Adam Cheyer</a><br>
          As a fund-raiser for <a href="" target="_blank">the Healdsburg School</a>, the Xperience Aventure Club held a special triple-billed, James Bond-themed experience, with three of
          our top pioneers.  Our Adventurers were taken inside of the latest <a href="">Augmented Reality</a> technology, were shown the <a href="">Jedi mind tricks</a> of a mental magician,
          and learned some inside <a href="">secrets of artificial intelligence</a> from the creator of Siri.
          <li><a target="_blank" href="">Introduction Trailer</a> for the Jr. James Bond Adventure auction item.</li>
          <li><a target="_blank" href="">Images</a> from our XAC Adventure</li>
        <h2 id="drones">June 16, 2016: Stratosphere Exploration with Alan Eustace</h2>
        <img height=150 src="" alt="Alan Eustace" />
        <img height=150 src="" alt="stratosphere exploration" />
          <font color="white">Pioneer:</font> <a href="">Alan Eustace</a><br>
          In this adventure, the Xperience Aventure Club attended a special screening of the documentary "14 Minutes from Earth", and then 
          participated in a Q & A session with Alan Eustace, the protagonist of the movie, a former Google Executive who broke the world record 
          for the highest freefall dive from the stratosphere.
        <h2 id="deepflight">December 12, 2013: Flying Submarine with Graham Hawkes</h2>
        <img height=150 src="" alt="Graham Hawkes" />
        <img height=150 src="" alt="deepflight" />
           <font color="white">Pioneer:</font> <a href="">Graham Hawkes</a><br>
          Meet amazing Pioneer Graham Hawkes, who has invented a series of electric submersibles that use avionics principles underwater. Vessels like the Deep Flight Super Falcon  In this adventure, you will have an opportunity to get behind the controls of the Deep Flight Super Falcon, a craft designed to perform barrel rolls with dolphins and whales, and to be as nimble underwater as the largest creatures of the deep.                
          <li><a target="_blank" href="">Images</a> from our XAC Adventure</li>

        <h2 id="ekso">November 27, 2013: Bionic Exoskeletons with Nathan Harding</h2>
        <img height=150 src="" alt="exoskeleton" />
        <img height=150 src="" alt="drones" />
          <font color="white">Pioneer:</font> <a href="">Nathan Harding</a><br>
         In this adventure, you will go inside the labortories of Ekso Bionics, a company working on the US Government's "Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit, or TALOS" project, with the goal of creating a real-world Iron Man suit that gives "super powers" to military soldiers and to paralyzed patients. In the health care arena, the "wearable robots" not only enable paralyzed patients to walk (much better than a wheelchair), for stroke victims, the repetive "practice" of walking using the seat can actually remap brain cells and increase the patient's likelihood of walking again on their own. Our adventurers have had the opportunity to actually strap on a suit and see what the experience of wearing a bionic exoskeleton is like.
          <li><a target="_blank" href="">Images and movies</a> from our XAC Adventure</li>

        <h2 id="siri">November 15, 2013: Artificial Intelligence with Adam Cheyer</h2>
        <img height=150 src="" alt="brain" />
        <img height=150 src="" alt="brain" />
          <font color="white">Pioneer:</font> <a href="">Adam Cheyer</a><br>
          Go inside the brain of Siri with a Founder and former Tech Lead of Apple's conversation-based Assistant. In this 1 hour session, you will learn about how Siri works, explore the wide range of things that Siri can do for you, discover "easter eggs" that nobody else knows, and part with a small gift that is exclusive to select team members who work on Siri at Apple.

      <p>Copyright &copy; Xperience Adventure Club <br> <a href="">design from</a></p>
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